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What is AFZPA?


The American FootZonology® Practitioners Association recognized the inherent value of formally establishing this organization to verify our rich 27-year history fostered by dedicated FootZonology® practitioners. AFZPA has taken action to document our profession’s ongoing commitment to maintaining high-quality standards for education, clinical expertise and ethics.


Our membership body of more than 1500 worldwide is made up of FootZonology® practitioners (both private and professional), students, schools, instructors, community affiliates, and private supporters. The American FootZonology® Practitioners Association promotes an enhanced professional image and prestige among practitioners of the FootZonology® method by offering an AFZPA-Board Certification for those practitioners choosing to submit their personal documentation for achieving and maintaining these established high-quality standards of practice.



The American FootZonology® Practitioners Association is a registered non-profit corporation that actively supports and facilitates continuing education and ongoing research in the FootZonology® field of study; actively promotes social welfare by increasing public awareness of health issues; and advocates for improved health and well being through proven methodologies, civic, cultural, recreational, educational and charitable activities; in particular qualified children’s charities.

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