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Parsley: Urinary System Herb

Beth Davis

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Information:

Parsley is high in nutrients: Vitamin K, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. It is also plentiful in minerals including being high in iron and folic acid, which helps relieve stress by strengthening the nervous system.

Parsley is best used fresh. When buying parsley, look for vibrant green bunches without any wilted or yellow leaves. At home, cut ½ inch from the bottom of the stems, then store in a glass with a bit of water until ready to use. It can be prepared as: a tea, a fresh leaf poultice, Essential oil (parsley seed EO is called Apiol), and for culinary uses. Rarely, parsley may cause a photosensitivity rash in some individuals.

Traditional Medicinal Uses:

Helps with urinary system

Parsley has an affinity to the urinary system. The leaves and roots of parsley are diuretic, which increases urination. When a urinary tract infection (UTI) hits, urinating is highly beneficial in kicking it out. When one does have a UTI, the more aggressive the infection is treated early on, the faster the body can overcome it. Drinking parsley water or making a parsley drink in this treatment can help. At the end of the article is a recipe for how I make my parsley drink. Please note: The roots have a stronger diuretic action than the leaves and are typically taken as a strong decoction or tea.

Helps with digestive issues

Have you ever noticed how at restaurants they used to put a sprig of parsley on your plate? It’s not just for decoration. Parsley can help with bad breath and stagnant digestion (bloating, constipation, gas). If you partner parsley with fennel they can help to relieve more severe cases of stagnant digestion. For those suffering with low appetite, eaten before a meal is served, parsley can also help increasing appetite.

Helps with heart health

It is commonly known that what is good for the kidneys is good for the heart and vice versa. Parsley is a great antioxidant helper. It also lessens chronic inflammation, hypertension, and reduces platelet aggregation (reduces clots).

Helps with external issues

As found in the King’s American Dispensatory in 1898:

“The seeds as well as the leaves, sprinkled on the hair, in powder, or in the form of an ointment, will effectually destroy vermin; the leaves, applied as a fomentation, will, it is asserted, cure the bites or stings of insects. The leaves, bruised, are a good application to contusions, swelled breasts, and enlarged glands—reputed to “dry up the milk” of wet-nurses.”

Parsley Drink recipe

1 bunch parsley, with or without stems

4-5 limes

Raw honey, to taste

4 cups clean water, divided

Rinse parsley, then put in blender. Squeeze the juice from the limes into the blender. Add 1-2 Tablespoons honey, then add 2 cups water. Blend until smooth to your liking. Add the remainder of the water. Keep refrigerated and try to drink as soon as possible.

written by Beth Davis

Master Herbalist and Footzonology Practitioner

She loves empowering others to take control of their health by

teaching numerous classes on topics ranging from

Kitchen Medicine to Immune System Health.

Currently, her family is traveling around America exploring its many wonders.

If you would like to have her teach a class or two in your area, you can find her at

on Instagram @BethoftheWest or

email her at

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