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Beth Davis

Sage: a kitchen medicine herb

Sage was one of the ancient cure-alls. It was even considered an immortality herb. The Latin name of sage is Salvia officinalis. The name Salvia comes from the roots of “to save” or “to heal.” Sage was sometimes even known as “Salvia Salvatrix” which is Sage the Savior. There was a medieval times saying that went, “Why should a man die while sage grows in his garden?”

Sage is a beneficial herb for many reasons. Here are just 3 traditional medicinal uses:

Digestive issues

Sage is a great herb to help promote digestion. Drinking a cup of sage tea before eating or after a meal can help the body better digest the food and reduce bloating or flatulence because it helps with stagnant digestion. It is also a helpful herb for those who cannot digest fats well or when eating food particularly difficult to digest.

During the Middle Ages, sage was used to preserve meat because it does have some anti-fungicidal and anti-bacterial properties. Using sage simply as a spice within the meal is also very helpful.

Mouth & Throat issues

Sage is an herb that can help tighten and tone tissues, also known as an astringent herb. It has a special inclination for the mouth and throat. If you look at natural or herbal mouthwash or tooth powder recipes, you will notice that sage is a common ingredient used. Using the fresh leaves, rubbed on the teeth, will help clean them and make them white. It can help relieve pain and heal mouth ulcers, canker sores, bleeding gums, spongy gums, and cold sores.

When using sage for bad breath, just gargle several times a day with warm sage tea. It has wonderful breath freshening properties that are similar to peppermint or parsley. To make a strong tea to treat mouth or throat inflammations, use 2 teaspoons of dried sage per 8 ounces of boiling water. Make sure to cover the cup while the tea cools to a manageable temperature, in order to not allow any volatile oils to escape with the steam. Once the tea is cooled, gargle away. If using for laryngitis or tonsillitis, add some lemon and raw honey to the tea.

Colds & Flus

Sage is a wonderful herb to use when one has a cold or flu. Ancient Mexicans often used sage in a steam bath to help with congestion in the head and chest, as it helps with decongestion in the sinuses and helps loosen congestion in the lungs. There was a French herbalist who successfully used a strong sage tea (increase the amount of sage to water ratio) to help the body to sweat profusely, thus allowing the body to eliminate toxins through the skin.

Other medicinal uses of sage

Sage is helpful for digestive issues, mouth & throat issues, and colds & flus. But sage has also been known to help with a myriad of other issues, which strengthens its “Heal all” name. Here is a quick list of issues sage helps with:

  • Pain and injury

  • Moving blood and stagnant blood conditions (varicose veins, blood clots)

  • Body odor

  • Hair loss and hair color

  • Reproductive system

  • Night sweats and hot flashes

  • Yeast infections

  • Kidney infections

  • Rheumatism

  • Wrinkles

  • Historically used to help with grief

  • Can improve imbalanced cholesterol & Type 2 diabetes

  • Alzheimer’s disease or other memory loss

  • Useful to store with clothes to keep moths away

While sage is an amazing herb that truly can help with many a health issue and is generally considered safe for everyone, it is important to note that taking large amounts of sage can cause the flow of milk during lactation to dry up. Also consuming large amounts of sage can possibly cause convulsions or induce miscarriage.

written by Beth Davis

Master Herbalist and Footzonology Practitioner

She loves empowering others to take control of their health by

teaching numerous classes on topics ranging from

Kitchen Medicine to Immune System Health.

Currently, her family is traveling around America exploring its many wonders.

If you would like to have her teach a class or two in your area,

email her at

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